WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Planning Paper 11 8 February 2008 CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK AUTHORITY Title: CAIRNGORMS NATIONAL PARK LOCAL PLAN UPDATE Prepared by: DON MCKEE, HEAD OF PLANNING Purpose To update the Board on the current position with the Local Plan following consultation on the Deposit Version of the Local Plan in 2007 and to seek acceptance of a revised Local Plan timetable. Recommendation a) That the Board accept the revised timetable in Appendix 1 as the basis for taking the Local Plan forward towards adoption. Executive Summary The Deposit Local Plan was published for consultation purposes between July and September 2007. It had been the intention to analyse the responses in a few weeks, carry out any necessary dialogue with objectors and bring proposed modifications before Members in April 2008. This process is taking longer than anticipated and as a result we have had to review the Local Plan timetable. The revised timetable in Appendix 1 shows scenarios involving either one or two rounds of modifications, with a first Planning Committee date of 30 May 2008 leading eventually to a possible Local Plan Inquiry in January or March 2009 depending on the number of rounds of modifications. On this basis adoption of the Local Plan is likely to be either June or August 2009. The report also provides an update for information on progress of the supplementary planning guidance currently under preparation in the form of the Aviemore Masterplan and the Sustainable Design Guide. Information Local Plan 1. Consultation on the Deposit Local Plan produced a total of 476 responses from individuals and organisations raising objections on some 1500 separate issues. Members are already aware that collating the objections and entering them onto a database in a meaningful form took longer than anticipated. This is turn has delayed the process of contacting objectors and taking steps to resolve objections. Many of the presentational/factual issues can be dealt with by an exchange of letters and resolved fairly easily, but others require face to face dialogue, perhaps on more than one occasion. This process is under way, but it is clearly going to take several more weeks to conclude. 2. We are also taking account of emerging national planning policy, particularly in respect of housing. The Scottish Government has published a consultative draft of a new Scottish Planning Policy SPP3 Planning for Housing and this will be reported to Members in due course to formulate a CNPA response. We are currently taking stock of the content of this draft to assess the degree to which our Local Plan accords with it. This may also have a bearing on forthcoming proposed modifications. 3. The diagram in Appendix 1 highlights the proposed process leading to adoption and identifies opportunities for informal discussion and the points in the process where Members have to take formal decisions. The first of these is on 30 May when we will bring proposed modifications forward for agreement to be published for consultation. If the modifications resolve those objections considered capable of resolution then a date can be sought for a Local Plan Inquiry (LPI) potentially in January 2009: this is dependent on availability of Scottish Government Reporters. If outstanding objections are still considered capable of resolution then we can proceed with a second round of modifications, resulting in any LPI taking place in March 2009 at the earliest. Adoption is anticipated to be possible for June or August 2009 depending on the date of the LPI. Aviemore Masterplan 4. At the time of writing, Land Use Consultants (LUC) have supplied us with an initial first draft which has been commented on and returned to LUC for refinement. It is envisaged that a revised draft will be available very soon and this will be brought before Members, hopefully in early March, seeking agreement to publish for the purposes of consultation. The results of consultation will in turn inform Members consideration when considering the adoption of the document. Sustainable Design Guide 5. We have been working intensively with Envirocentre consultants on developing this important piece of work. It has taken a little longer than first envisaged, but this is because the nature of the project and its fundamental role in directing the character and sustainable credentials of future development in the Park deserved very detailed examination even before Members subject it to a similar level of scrutiny. We have arranged for an informal discussion session for Members following the Planning Committee Call In Meeting on 22 February. The document will then be formally brought to Committee seeking agreement for consultation. As with the Aviemore Masterplan the ensuing consultation will inform Members final consideration of the document when considering its adoption. Financial Implications 6. There is existing budget provision for these pieces of work in the current financial year. Provision is being made in the 2008 – 2009 Operational Plan for the Local Plan Inquiry. Presentational Implications 7. All of these pieces of work relate not only to our statutory planning function, but also to the delivery of much of the National Park Plan and achievement of the Park aims. They will provide a consistent framework that will assist those using the planning system and those taking decisions. Implications for Stakeholders 8. The CNPA and the four local authorities will be operating to a consistent set of policy and standards across the Park which will be a common benefit. The local authorities will, however, have to deal with a planning regime in the Park that may vary from that in the rest of their areas. This is already happening to a degree. Don McKee 30 January 2008 donmckee@cairngorms.co.uk